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/ The CICA Windows Explosion! / The CICA Windows Explosion! - Disc 1.iso / desktop / skymp21a.zip

Jump To: Archive (9)  |  Document (5)  |  Text (6)  |  Other (1)

Archives (9)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
ASTEROID.SK_ EDI Install LZSS2 Compressed Data 1 3KB 1994-07-01
COMET.SK_ EDI Install LZSS2 Compressed Data 1 2KB 1994-07-01
CTL3D.DL_ EDI Install LZSS2 Compressed Data 1 11KB 1994-07-01
INSTALL.BIN MS Compress Archive 1 54KB 1994-07-01
LOCATION.SK_ EDI Install LZSS2 Compressed Data 1 9KB 1994-07-01
SKYIMAGE.EX_ EDI Install LZSS2 Compressed Data 1 73KB 1994-07-01
SKYMAP.EX_ EDI Install LZSS2 Compressed Data 1 376KB 1994-07-18
SKYMAP.HL_ EDI Install LZSS2 Compressed Data 1 97KB 1994-07-01
SPIN.VB_ EDI Install LZSS2 Compressed Data 1 11KB 1994-07-01

Document (5)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
REGAUST.WRI Windows Write Document 1 2KB 1994-07-06
REGFRANC.WRI Windows Write Document 2 2KB 1994-07-01
REGJAPAN.WRI Windows Write Document 1 2KB 1994-07-08
REGOTHER.WRI Windows Write Document 1 3KB 1994-07-01
REGUSA.WRI Windows Write Document 2 2KB 1994-07-01

Text (6)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 8 302b 1994-07-01
HISTORY.TXT Text File 234 10KB 1994-07-01
INSTALL.INF Text File 1 3KB 1994-07-08
README.1ST Text File 22 922b 1994-07-01
README.TXT Text File 101 4KB 1994-07-01
VENDOR.TXT Text File 289 11KB 1994-07-01

Other Files (1)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
INSTALL.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 2 6KB 1994-07-01